1900 Peru Dr, Sparks, NV 89437

Reno Cold Storage Serving the West

About Arcadia’s Reno Cold Storage
The Reno Cold Storage location is a regional distribution facility designed to support high-volume throughput handling services, including case picking and container handling.
The facility is located east of Reno with convenient access to I-80. It serves as a distribution hub with access to key metropolitan markets in Northern California, Nevada, Utah, and the Pacific Northwest states. The location also has logistical advantages for supporting cargo transiting through the Port of Oakland where importers and exporters can unload or load globally traded goods. Arcadia offers a full suite of inspection capabilities to support the flow of regulated commodities.
The fully-racked, state-of-the-art facility has five fully convertible rooms with the ability to handle frozen and chilled temperatures from -10 to 40 degrees F.
It is equipped with ample dock space and doors to manage distribution and container handling services. Our facility is perfectly suited for regional food manufacturers, importers, exporters, retail and foodservice companies looking for a key node to handle their globally traded products.