4775 Derrick Rd SW, College Park, GA 30349

About Arcadia’s Atlanta Cold Storage Facility
The Atlanta Cold Storage location is a distribution center facility designed to support high-volume throughput handling services, including case picking and container unloading. We are located southwest of Atlanta with nearby access to US Interstates 85 and 285 in the heart of the Southeast distribution market. This location is a hub with connections to the southeastern ports of Savannah, Charleston, Jacksonville and Mobile. It serves as a hub to supply customers in the Southeastern states. Atlanta continues to be one of the larger growing markets in the United States and has served as a key distribution point since it’s founding. This facility will play an important role in allowing Arcadia to serve food manufacturing and end user demand more quickly and efficiently.
The fully-racked facility has convertible rooms with the ability to handle deep freeze temperatures. It is also equipped with ample dock space and doors to manage a wide array of distribution & fulfillment services. Our facility is perfectly suited for food manufacturers, retailers and foodservice companies looking for consolidation opportunities to reduce transportation costs.